Author Guidelines

  1. The manuscript that will be sent to Arsir is an unpublished article to another journal and an author's original work (not the result of plagiarism).
  2. The manuscript is a research result of architecture in accordance with the focus and scope of Arsir. 
  3. The manuscript consists of title, author's name accompanied by the the affiliated institution name and the email correspondence, abstract, introduction, research method, result and discussion, conclusion, and bibliography.
  4. The title must be clear, concise and representative of the manuscript's content and written in Indonesian and English.
  5. The abstract contains a maximum of 200 words and consists of only one paragraph that contains the objective, method and research result. The abstract is accompanied by representative keywords. Both are written in Indonesian and English.
  6. The introduction contains background, rationality and/or urgency of research, and research objective. The introduction is written narratively in paragraphs. The source of citation clearly indicates the author's name and the publication year.
  7. The research method contains research type, time and place of research, target, research subject, procedure, instrument, technique of data analysis, and other matters relating to the way of research. If there are procedures or steps that are sequential, it can be given the notation (numbers or letters) according to its position.
  8. The result and discussion are the unity that explains the data from a research (the discussion is written inherent with the data being discussed) and focus on the data obtained in answering the research objectives or can also answer the question of why the facts are found as in the data.
  9. The conclusion is generalizable findings according to the research problem/objectives, and or may also be a recommendation for the next step.
  10. The bibliography is written in accordance with template of Arsir. Preferably the manuscript that has more than 50% of journal literatures.
  11. The maximum page of manuscript is 14 pages using Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) on A4 size paper by following the template of Arsir. The link of journal template.
  12. Manuscripts are typed using Times New Roman-11 one and a half, spaced between lines, and in one column. The page layout is as follows: top margin2.54 cm; bottom margin 2.54 cm; left margin 3 cm; right margin 2.54 cm; header from above 2.5 cm; footer from below 1.25 cm; and the distance between the columns is 1 cm.

The manuscript that submitted to Arsir will be reviewed by Arsir's reviewers in blind peer-review for the feasibility assessment of article publication.